Orbán's "inhumanity" and "xenophobia" were met with immediate and harsh criticism. In turn, Orbán responded by stating that he did not desire the establishment of parallel societies within Hungarian borders. More specifically, he wanted to avert the settlement of large groups of foreigners who could not or would not assimilate into Hungarian society and would choose instead to create their own society within Hungary.
In 2021, Orbán remains committed to keeping migrants out of Hungary and still occasionally falls back upon his line of thinking concerning the establishment of parallel societies. At the same time, the Hungarian prime minister is quietly and methodically assembling the mechanisms required to organize parallel societies within Hungary's borders. Of course, the parallel society Orbán is cautiously working toward has nothing to do with Muslim migrants and everything to do with the unpecked.
The situation in Hungary has been rather peculiar in the past three months. Though I harbor no illusions concerning any possible "return to normal", conditions in Hungary have been essentially normal since June. Social distancing is gone. As are mask mandates. The government insists it has no plans to return to any sort of lockdown scenario. As far as it is concerned, the birdemic is over - for the pecked at least.
Hungary's cabal of experts and politicians are convinced that the pecked are protected from any and all birdemic threats. In light of this, the expertocracy have committed themselves to avoiding birdemic measures because the implementation of such measures would be extremely unfair to the pecked - those brave and noble souls who have donned their bulletproof vests and have abode by the global diktat of "none are safe until all are safe."
Consequently, any future measures will apply solely to the "unpecked". But it will be the private sector that implements future restrictions and not the government. This is because Orbán and his merry band of Christian nationalists - all vehement defenders of individual freedom and choice - are loathe to initiate any sort of decree or action that might infringe upon a Hungarian citizen's rights.
The private sector? Hey, that ain't my bag, baby!
Ah, the convenience and effectiveness of public-private partnership! The very substance of our not-so-new-anymore global totalitarian reality in action.
So instead of lockdowns for all, it appears Hungary will soon shift to lockouts for some, which will likely result in the establishment of a de jure parallel society.
Naturally, Orbán et al. have no qualms or misgivings about this sort of parallel society within Hungary's borders. Business is business, after all. And it goes without saying that no one in the world has criticized Orbán or his government or the private sector in Hungary for any of it.