As I reflect back upon my nearly half-century of life, I come to the rather sad and startling realization that much of it has been spent contending with what I would term the enforced normalization of stupidity and evil.
Stupidity and evil are facts of life in our imperfect world. In fact, one could argue a major impetus of our mortal lives centers around dealing with, learning from, and repenting our own individual stupidities and evils. This is a monumental task all on its own – a task one hopes would be reflected on a broader scale within society and civilization.
I have lived during an era where the exact opposite is clearly the case. Rather than dealing with, learning from, and repenting stupidity and evil, Western civilization has become a major force in the creation, promotion, distribution, and enforcement of stupidity and evil. Simply put, the West can no longer be referred to as a force for good, at least not in any real or meaningful sense. On the contrary, the West has become a force for evil, and nowhere is this more evident than in its dedicated enforcement and normalization of obvious stupidities and evils. The enforcement and normalization of stupidity and evil is fundamental to the overarching goal of damnation.
Much of this has to do with Reality. By Reality I am referring to basic principles; to the fundamental understanding and awareness of God, Creation, Natural Law, Truth, Beauty, Goodness, and Virtue. The West has not merely abandoned Reality and all it encompasses, but is actively, vigorously, and purposively working against the basic principles of Reality through every means at its disposal. Whatever can still be considered Good or Real in the West are either unintended side-effects of the war against Reality or the clinging remnants left over from an earlier time.
In my experience, the war against Reality relies chiefly on the normalization of stupidity and evil. This normalization involves the acceptance and endorsement of the unnatural as natural; evil as good; stupid as intelligent; immoral as moral; foolish as wise; vice as virtue; and so forth. The System in the West employs the various means at its disposal – the media, education, employment, law, science, medicine, religion (by this I am referring to corrupt institutions only, not religion in general – to condition and acclimate people to reject Reality and embrace Unreality. Thereby, an obvious right gradually becomes an obvious wrong.
The process tends to unfold in a ‘gradually-then-suddenly’ manner. First, an aspect of Reality is cast into doubt and suspicion. Second, an evil or stupid ‘unreal’ alternative –presented as more ‘good’ than Reality – is suggested to replace the suddenly flawed or oppressive or outdated or unjust or objectionable aspect of Reality. Third, the ‘unreal’ alternative is promoted and endorsed as superior, better, and more just by all the avenues noted above, with the explicit understanding that any objection to the ‘unreal’ alternative instantly renders one ‘stupid and evil.’ Lastly, the greater proportion of the population accepts the unreal stupidity and evil as the new normal. The System then enforces this normalization through its various mechanisms until it indeed becomes ‘normal.’ These new normals become tools of damnation.
This is all easily observable in the West and is common knowledge to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. It goes without saying that the vast majority of people in the West have accepted this normalization, either willingly or through some form of coercion. Though I sometimes yearn to be part of some universal, collective reaction against this imposition of Unreality, this enforcement of stupidity and evil, I am beginning to understand that such a development at the universal, collective level is highly unlikely at this point in time. The vast majority of the West is too far gone. The only question that remains for me now is how do I respond to or cope with this normalization of stupidity and evil.
Countless books, blog posts, and podcasts offering advice and guidance on the subject exist, but very few of them have left any lasting impact on me. This is probably because most of these books, blog posts, and podcasts address the issue from universal, collective perspectives that tend to incorporate the mechanisms of the System itself into their plans to correct or restore Reality. And even among these, I have found no clearly defined, feasible, singular way of addressing the issue of enforced evil. When it comes to the enforced normalization of stupidity and evil, I have come to the realization that we are all essentially on our own.
This may sound like a defeatist attitude, but it isn’t. I believe the only victory of which we can be assured in our own individual lives lies in thinking. The normalization of stupidity and evil can only be enforced in our thinking if we allow it to be. Put another way, there is no way the System can make you believe an evil is good unless you yourself let that happen. This may seem trivial, but it is actually vital. The simple act of believing in Reality and remaining steadfast in this thinking is the ultimate form of insurrection against stupidity and evil. All is not lost if you make a mistake in your thinking as long as you acknowledge the error and return to Reality. Repentance is key in thinking. Without it, the enforced normalization of evil and stupidity will eventually prevail and your grasp of Reality will fade.
Once we are secure in our thinking (as secure as we can be), we can contemplate action, but we mustn’t forget that action is, ultimately, secondary to thinking. The range of possible actions any of us can take in resisting evil will depend on our own individual circumstances. Some individuals will be able to take many decisive actions against evil in their lives; others will find themselves in circumstances similar to those of slaves. Many more will find themselves scattered on points along the spectrum between these two poles. Whatever the case, any action or inaction must be supported by thinking. Those individuals who are free to take decisive actions against evil must not allow themselves to be consumed with pride. Those individuals who feel compelled to make compromises with evil must acknowledge these compromises and repent them.
I believe we are in this world for a reason and that each of us has a purpose in this life. The world we inhabit has been arranged to grant us the experiences needed to find this purpose. Part of this purpose entails the recognition and acceptance of Reality. It is crucial to remember to find our purpose in this world, but it is also crucial to remember that our purpose is not restricted or confined to this world. Reality is bigger than that. And if we remember, acknowledge, and have faith in Reality, we will be bigger than that, too, both in this life and the one to come.