The World Economic Forum provides the list to all attendees so that they can “use it for the sole purpose of personal communication and dialogue in furtherance of the Forum’s mission”, which in this case, encompasses the Litmus Test Issues and all the other great stuff we have had the intense displeasure of experiencing since 2020.
From a broader perspective, the WEF is simply a global committee connected to countless other global, international, national, municipal, and local committees, all of which purport to be working to make the world a better place via global agenda items like climate change action, net-zero carbon emissions, social inclusivity, the fourth industrial revolution, economic transformation, financial equity, human rights, and so forth.
On the surface, these committees – and global node committees like the WEF – all appear to be working toward exclusively material and worldly aims. I assume most Davos attendees are oblivious to the underlying anti-spiritual aims within the Forum’s mission and the mission of all committees in general.
In a nutshell, one of the underlying anti-spiritual aims of all committees and the agendas they promulgate is to hinder and obliterate the development of consciousness within individual human beings.
We have reached a point in history in which man has become capable of answering the call of God. More precisely, we have reached a stage where man possesses the potential to utilize his freedom to consciously choose to align with God and Creation, thereby overcoming the giveness of the world and setting the stage for the possibility of higher spiritual achievements. Put more simply, man has gained the potential to draw closer to God and Reality via his consciousness if he so chooses!
Though the vast majority of humanity is unconscious of this development, the higher forces opposing God and Creation are acutely aware of it. Moreover, they are doing everything within their power to ensure human beings remain oblivious by keeping consciousness grounded in the external, material, unreality of the given world.
As Dr. Charlton explained yesterday, one of the most effective means to achieve this anti-spiritual goal is committee consensus. Committees like the WEF profess to have nothing but noble, worldly aims. An increasing number of people have discerned that these worldly aims are anything but noble. Though commendable, this discernment alone will not count for much if the far more grievous and devastating anti-spiritual goals are not discerned.
Note added: Even a cursory glance at the Davos participant list is enough to understand that all well-meaning calls to topple the System in the West are specious.No group or movement would stand a chance against the System, not even in its current state of self-sabotage. Moreover, a physical insurrection unsupported by spiritual motivations and convictions would likely do little to improve the overall situation. As it stands now, the only effective and most meaningful way to topple the System is via consciousness and the spirit, which is why system distancing remains a spiritual imperative.
Further note added: I have included the list as a PDF file below in case the link above goes dead.
redactedweffinaldavos2023.pdf |