In addition to political voting, however, people also vote by their actions, which determines what kind of society one lives in. And this is somewhat analogous to voting because these actions are aggregated to influence people's lives. But unlike voting, it is not one vote per individual because the influence of some matters more than others, also, one can "vote" multiple times depending on one's choices. In some respects they may even cancel out.
But even apart the material effects, I believe that our actions and thoughts are a kind of metaphysical voting. If we really want something, and act according to that desire, then we are metaphysically voting for that which we desire. But if we get it, it may be as the thing really is, not as we imagined it.
This also relates to prayer, prayer is a kind of metaphysical voting as well. One might think of the natural question "God already knows what we need, so why do we have to ask?" I believe one reason is that by asking, one is making an active investment of will.
Like voting by action, metaphysical voting is not "one man, one vote" either. For example, the "vote" of a saintly hermit, i.e., his prayers and actions, has a far greater effect on his society than those of an ordinary person. Not only because of his virtue, but also because such a hermit is more closely aligned with God and Creation, so he would know better what to vote for, so to speak.
I encourage you to read the whole post.