Eschatology is not limited to the final events of the world, but also encompasses the final destiny of humanity and of individual human beings. As far as I can tell, the ultimate destiny of a great many human beings has already been decided and is on full display in our everyday world.
In simple terms, a great many people have actively chosen slavery over freedom, lies over truth, material over spirit, and hell over heaven. Not only have they made these active choices, but they continue to re-make and reaffirm these choices every day.
This reveals much.
For starters, it indicates the presence and dominance of an utterly despiritualized consciousness that no longer recognizes and has lost all awareness of the inherent reality of humanity's spiritual nature and the inherent reality of Creation.
By choosing to cut itself from all communications with the Divine, this mode of consciousness has basically closed off all possibilities for continued spiritual growth and development.
Secondly, by closing off all possibilities for continued spiritual growth and development, people locked into a despiritualized mode of consciousness have rendered themselves incapable of spiritual learning. Moreover, they have rendered themselves incapable of real world thinking and learning.
Thirdly, by rendering themselves incapable of spiritual learning, people a in despiritualized mode of consciousness have lost all sense of the true purpose and meaning of mortal life.
Fourthly, since they have lost all sense of the true purpose and meaning of mortal life, they have forfeited the spiritual resources needed to make the right choices.
And finally, since they have become utterly incapable of making the right choices, people in a despiritualized mode of consciousness inevitably make the wrong choices, but are utterly incapable of learning anything of meaning or value from the wrong choices they make for the simple reason that the very concept of wrong choice utterly eludes them.
And for all intents and purposes, this is a dead end.
Not only that, it also hints at a final destiny, not only in terms of consciousness, but also in terms of heaven and hell, both in mortal life and in life everlasting.
Note added: I think I'm going to begin referring to people possessing despiritualized modes of consciousness as "dead-enders". Take a look around. You're bound to see and encounter a lot of them in your vicinity on any given day.