Take the French Revolution, for example. Which would be the more apt symbol? The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen or the guillotine?
It did not take me long to choose. After I made my decision, I realized my choice uncovered much more than my standpoint concerning the historical event; my choice of symbol ultimately revealed my sensibilities, my beliefs, and my outlook, not just about the French Revolution, but of life in general.
I quickly understood that my choice of symbol would inevitably be challenged by those who had chosen the other symbol to represent the French Revolution. Their choice would also reveal much their standpoint, their sensibilities, their beliefs, and their outlook. Disagreement, scorn, and general unpleasantness would surely follow.
Luckily, there will be no such ideological squabbling over the symbol I propose to affix to our own age. I am sure all will agree that the attributes and characteristics of my proposed symbol reach a level of sublime transcendence. All will recognize the inherent truth in the representation - albeit for differing reasons - and, once they see it, I am certain everyone will experience an epiphany of Aristotelian grandeur and find themselves uttering, "Ah, that is it."
So, what is the definitive symbol of our age? Ladies and gentleman, I humbly submit my entry . . . .
The Selfie