All you needed to do to prove your sanity and sophistication was regard something obviously bad as not all that bad, or not totally bad, or not as bad as believed or actually bad but in a good way, etc. The same applied to Good. Pick it apart. Deconstruct it. Relativize it. Re-contextualize it. Declare it to be a social construct. These methods and countless others craftily tugged the Good into the gray area and dissolved it, corrupted it, and skewed it.
The gray area philosophy was actively encouraged and adhering to it was viewed as a sign of open-mindedness, good judgment, and swayable unbiasedness, but anyone who is serious about Reality cannot in good conscience continue to reside in this contrived interzone – nor will Evil permit them to do so.
Many who have settled down in the gray area worldview fail to understand it will not and cannot be a permanent place of residence. Evil actively lures people into the gray area, but it does not let anyone put down roots in this interzone. Contrary to popular belief, the gray area is not a safe haven nestled between Good and Evil, but a temporary transitional zone where people will eventually be forced to choose a side.
Seen this way, the gray area offers no sanctuary or reprieve. It is not a diplomatic safe zone. Evil knows this very well. At first, it will praise and laud gray area dictums and declarations, but over time it will maneuver those sporting “neither here nor there” worldviews into choosing a side. It will call their bluffs and force their hands.
The gray area is shrinking and shrinking fast. Things are becoming distinctly black and white again. Bruce Charlton has frequently referred to this on his Notions blog as “things coming to a point”, and I wholeheartedly agree with his overall assessment of our current situation. Waters once considered muddied are now clear again. The era of fence-sitting is swiftly drawing to a close and fence-sitters will not be tolerated, nor will they be regarded as worldly and wise. One way or another, we will all have to choose sides. We will have to be openly be for or against.
Those who refuse this demand will be left exposed in a veritable No Man’s Land, and they will have no protection whatsoever when the fire starts to rain down. So if you count yourself among the undecided, the neutral, the open-minded, the impartial, the compromising-just-to-get-along, do yourself a favor and actively choose which side you want to be on now - decide whether you want to be here or there.
Then live your life accordingly.