The Great Narrative Meeting is a linchpin of the Great Narrative initiative, a collaborative effort of the world’s leading thinkers to fashion longer-term perspectives and co-create a narrative that can help guide the creation of a more resilient, inclusive and sustainable vision for our collective future.
Rather than focus on the details of the Great Narrative itself - all of which, at this point, amounts to little more than a blatantly obvious threading together of the Big Lies and Litmus Test Issues the Davos Crew et al. have been promulgating incessantly since the successful 2020 global coup - I thought it might be prudent to briefly examine the very concept of the metanarrative as well why the demonic totalitarians have determinedly set their sights on establishing one.
In essence, a metanarrative is an all-encompassing story that provides all the answers to life, the universe, and everything - including meaning and purpose. A metanarrative strives to offer a transcendent, universal truth that can connect and explain seemingly disparate events and phenomena into a totalizing comprehensive schema that orders and explains all knowledge and experience and is applicable to everyone at all times, including the past, present, and future. It is knowledge from "beyond" told in a way that can be understood by all.
Metanarratives also aim to incorporate and subordinate all "little stories" into the "big story", a process that legitimizes the big story while simultaneously de-legitimizing any little story that does not fit into the big story schema.
At their core, all metanarratives are totalitarian in nature. Above all else, the "big story" that explains all other stories functions to legitimize the power and authority of people who craft and control the "big story."
To make the "big story" compelling, metanarratives attempt to cement their legitimacy via some anticipated but as of yet unrealized goal toward which society must orient itself.
Some well-known metanarratives include the Enlightenment and universal reason, Marxism, progressivism, and various religious doctrines - and yes, this includes Christianity. The term became part of academic discourse in the late 1970s courtesy of post-modern theorist Jean-Francois Lyotard who, typically enough, hastily threw together the theory at the behest of some Quebec grant obligation (if memory serves me correctly). Lyotard himself was wary of the totalizing nature of metanarratives, declared them to be over, and heralded an era in which universal grand narratives would eventually give way to a mosaic of small, local narratives.
Well, that certainly didn't pan out, did it?
For me, metanarratives, or grand narratives boil down to hearts and minds, and how those hearts and minds think about and understand themselves, others, and the world. Put another way, for me metanarratives are a matter of consciousness, and I believe that all past metanarratives and the ungodly one the Davos Crew strive to implement now reveal a great deal about the development of Western and Christian consciousness.
The following is an extremely simplistic sketch of one possible interpretation the evolution of grand narratives set against religious consciousnesses since Christ:
- The grand narrative of law and obedience in the Old Testament
- Jesus's time on Earth and the first few decades after His death and resurrection breaks this metanarrative and offers an alternative, which I will refer to here as Truth and Reality.
- With the establishment of Christian culture, consciousness slips away from a pure understanding of Truth and Reality and reverts back to some semblance of Old Testament law.
- The religious consciousness of Old Testament law is eventually abandoned for the consciousness of autonomous man, in which man is overvalued at the expense of God being undervalued. This movement is at first God-aligned, eventually non-aligned.
- Non-God aligned autonomous consciousness gives birth to un-religious and, eventually, anti-religious metanarratives that bring man to the height of his powers, but also alienate him from God.
- As man's misguided sense of freedom, sovereignty, and independence continue to solidify, he oscillates between individual alienation and totalitarian metanarratives, culminating in destructive ideological metanarratives like Marxism.
- Man appears to recognize the limits and "wrongness" of metanarratives, but is so far removed from Reality and the Divine that he can no longer find his way back to reality.
- Unable to maintain an atomized, alienated state of incoherent consciousness, man willingly reverts back to Old Testament law consciousness, only this time without any obedience to the Divine or Reality. The onset of despiritualized consciousness.
When I consider what aspirations Davos et al. have in mind concerning their Great Narrative, I come to the realization that it is a final push toward the permanent despiritualization of human consciousness.
Do I believe such a thing is possible?
No. I do not believe God would allow such a development to occur within Creation. At the same time, I believe God's powers are somewhat limited in this capacity. The bulk of the pushback against despiritualized consciousness must emanate from us.
And what might this entail? Contrary to what most traditionally-minded Christians believe, it cannot involve a total reversion back to more conventional forms of Christianity because those forms of Christianity are firmly locked into a metanarrative structure.
I believe Lyotard was correct when he declared the age of the metanarrative to be over. At the very least, it should have been in theory. Being of a material mindset himself, Lyotard's vision of local, micronarratives in place of metanarratives point in the right direction, but lack the "stuff" necessary to make the arrangement work because like the metanarratives they work against, the micronarratives have no real basis in Truth and Reality.
I get the sense that story time - be it big or small - should be over. Our task now is not to tell stories, be they individual, relativistic micronarratives or all-encompassing metanarratives. Our task now is to reconnect to Truth and Reality, and the way we do this is by realizing that we are all mirco-Truths and micro-Realities, but only so far as we as these micro-Truths and micro-Realities are aligned with Truth and Reality.
In my mind, this is the antithesis to the totalizing power of metanarrative. Unlike the grand narrative, which aims to incorporate and subordinate, Truth and Reality aim to love and elevate. Truth and Reality does not seek to assimilate, become one with, or rule over the micro-Truths and micro-Realities, but invites them to participate in the ongoing Creation that is Truth and Reality.
Without this recognition, without this transformation in consciousness, the Divine within man will dim even further, and he will plow headlong into the whatever incoherent metanarrative is offered to him as reality.
The Davos crew senses this. Whether their Great Narrative Initiative stems from hubristic confidence in their accomplishments thus far or from latent anxiety at the unravelling of their own "micronarratives" is a moot point.
What is not moot is the underlying motive of their Great Narrative Initiative. Though the "meta" in narrative means "beyond", "above", or "transcendent", it also means "death", as the famed owner of a huge social media company recently discovered when he re-branded his platform with the name "Meta."
In this light, the Great Narrative Initiative is a death story. It is primarily a story of spiritual death, but not insignificantly, it is also rapidly becoming a story of physical death.
Meta reality is not Reality. It really is that simple.
Anyone who willingly and actively adheres to the totalitarians' latest metanarrative "death story" will certainly suffer spiritual death. Moreover, physical death will likely occur much sooner than they could have possibly imagined.
On a more optimistic note, the demonic Davos Great Narrative may become the catalyst that sparks the micro-Truth, micro-Reality transformation in many.