One of the most effective ways to learn lessons is from experience - through the events, encounters, problems, adventures, incidents, trials and ordeals that surface in our lives. Some of these episodes are the result of fate; others, the consequences of our own choices, decisions, and actions. Whatever the case, our primary task in mortal life is to discover meaning within experience and use this meaning to move closer toward our purpose - aligning ourselves with God and Creation.
Of course, it's not always easy to discover what the significance of an experience is, and it is sometimes difficult to ascertain if our choices, decisions, and actions were the real cause of a good or bad consequence. Nevertheless, in most cases the cause of a bad or good consequence is readily accessible, and the lesson contained within it fairly straightforward - especially if you are making a sincere effort at learning.
A defiant refusal to learn from experience generally indicates one of two things - stupidity or pride. The stupid are too dull or lazy or craven to put two and two together; the proud are too arrogant to consider they may have been wrong. Both are doomed to repeat their errors until some form of illumination moves them. Stupidity and pride are the common causes for refusing to learn from experience, but there is another common cause, one that seems to saturate our modern world - dishonesty.
The dishonest completely understand the experience and the lesson it contains, but pretend to be utterly baffled by it all. In other words, they are able to put two and two together, but they repudiate any knowledge of being able to do so and instead look out at the world with wide, innocent eyes as they feign a complete lack of understanding.
Yes, this kind of dishonesty contains traces of stupidity and pride, but people can be honestly stupid or honestly arrogant when they refuse to learn from experience. The dishonest, on the other hand, know they are liars. They consciously choose to deny the truth as truth because they are serving the lie. This, in my opinion, is a purely malevolent refusal to learn from experience, and those who consistently practice this form of insincere bewilderment are usually willing accomplices to evil.
Case in point, yesterday the Swedish Board of Health and Welfare released a report indicating that the number of teenagers registered as girls at birth who have been diagnosed with gender dysphoria has increased nearly 1,500 percent in the last decade. In the same period, the number of men aged 18-24 affixed with the same diagnosis grew by nearly 400 percent.
So what was the official response to this rather alarming development?
"There is no doubt that there is a clear increase, but we do not know what causes the increase," Peter Salmi, analyst at the Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen), said in a statement.
Put simply, this Board of Health and Welfare analyst is claiming to be utterly clueless. He very frankly admits he has no idea what the cause for the increase could be. As far as he's concerned, it could be anything - something in the water; dietary changes; harmful radiation from an alien spacecraft parked behind the moon. Anything.
Now, here's the thing. Do you honestly believe the fine people at Sweden's Board of Health and Welfare are that baffled - that utterly without a clue? Or do you think that maybe, just maybe, they're playing the old feigned bewilderment trick? I mean, these are supposedly university educated people . . .
Well, I don't live in Sweden, but I have a hunch that this bout of gender dysphoria - which comes complete with all sorts of psychiatric and mental health issues and, in some cases, suicide - probably has something to do with the gender neutral preschools Sweden initiated back in the nineties and the countless other gender bender social engineering projects Sweden has unleashed upon its people in the past three decades.
But gender dysphoria is not the only thing mystifying the Swedish elite. They also don't know the causes of the unprecedented wave of explosions in Sweden's cities over the past two years. Nor do they possess any inkling of knowledge about the massive increase in rapes and other violent crimes. For the Swedish elite, everything is a massive, mind-numbing mystery.
Now, if the Swedish elite had any sense of virtue or honor, they would admit the errors of their ways, repent, wind back their ill-conceived social engineering programs, and work to realign their country with Reality. But the Swedish elite refuse to learn from experience. Not because they don't understand it. Not because they are too proud to admit their mistake. But because they are dishonest about their intentions. The Swedish elite knew exactly what their programs would do - they were not ill-conceived, but conceived to cause illness - this makes them and the elite evil.
If the Swedish people had any sense of virtue or honor, they would . . . on second thought, no, they probably wouldn't because it is difficult to conceive of any virtue and honor anywhere in this case.
Sorry, it just is.