Chances are you have been affected by at least one or, in most cases, several of these measures simultaneously in the past week or so. Very few people appear to like, understand, or support the rationale for these drastic actions, yet nearly all have passively accepted social-distancing as something that simply 'must be done'. Some people, many prominent, self-identified Christians among them, are demanding more social-distancing measures be taken.
Pundits and laymen the world over are stressing the necessity of social-distancing, but in my humble opinion the only distancing that truly matters in this place and time is System-distancing.
System-distancing involves measures taken to reduce or stop the spread of the evil System within one's own individual being and the hope that such action might help to reduce or stop the spread of the evil System in the greater world.
The extent to which people will be able to distance themselves from the System will depend on individual circumstances and individual outcomes will vary; nevertheless, I believe the effort must be made.
The most significant step any individual can take in this time and place is to sincerely acknowledge, once and for all, that the System, together with Establishment that runs it, is evil - meaning it is anti-God, anti-spiritual, anti-Truth, anti-Beauty, and anti-Goodness.
This simple acknowledgment doesn't seem like much, but it is incredibly significant. At its very core, it is the choice of good over evil; virtue over sin; truth over lies; courage over fear; reality over unreality; salvation over damnation; love over hate; and hope over despair.
Look at this way: The more we distance ourselves from the System, the closer we draw to God and Creation. Thus, this movement away is simultaneously a movement toward.
The Establishment has imposed social-distancing upon almost all of us; let's use the time wisely to distance ourselves from the Establishment and its System and close the distance between ourselves and God.