Though my notion of the Great Lockout is mostly conjecture at this point, evidence supporting the possibility of a transition from lockdown to lockout is popping up in various places around the world through the form of proposed digital passes. So, what is the Great Lockout and what might it look like?
Understanding that question rests on the understanding that lockdowns were primarily a form of social control rather than a means through which to protect people from a horrible plague. Implemented under the guise of protective health measures, lockdowns succeeded in confining (incarcerating) the masses (prisoners) to their homes (cells) in states of relative isolation (solitary confinement; that is, punishment via anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, substance abuse, and psychosis) while grossly restricting access to the outside world.
This has been the state of affairs - at least intermittently - in most of the world for the better part of nine months now. It goes without saying that the vast majority of people - even those who completely support lockdowns - have developed what some wags have referred to as lockdown fatigue. More plainly, people are growing sick of lockdowns. History has shown that when people get sick of things, they tend to get restless and rebellious.
Of course our totalitarian overlords are perfectly aware of all of this, which is why they have periodically relieved the pressure by easing a restriction now and then. Though lockdowns are an authoritarian dream-come-true, the globalist tyrants currently oppressing nearly every aspect of our mortal lives know that a state of permanent lockdown is untenable. At the same time, they have clearly shown that they have no desire to yield an inch of the power and control they have achieved through lockdowns. This situation presents our totalitarian rulers with a bit of a dilemma. They know they must lift lockdowns at some point, but only appear willing to do so if the power and control they have seized can be maintained or, even better, increased.
And this is where my notion of the Great Lockout comes in. The big success of the Great Lockdown was its ability to "suspend" individuals and society in the name of health and safety. In this sense, lockdowns can be equated to a push factor. People were informed that the birdemic made the functioning of "normal" society too difficult and dangerous to allow, and that the best course of action was to suspend nearly everything and seek asylum within the refuge of one's own home until the danger passed.
The Great Lockdown has, to some degree, made refugees of us all. Though some are perfectly content to remain within the borders of their shelters, most want to return to their "homelands" - that is, to some semblance of the normal, functioning societies they were forced to flee. For its part, the Establishment frequently states that it also desires a return to "normal", but only if and when the health and welfare of every single person on the planet can be safeguarded and guaranteed.
If the Great Lockdown served to suspend society, the Great Lockout will become the proposed lifting of this suspension. Put another way, lockdowns were meant to push people out and away from a frozen society; lockouts will seek to thaw society and pull people back in. But this pull factor will come with conditions, and it is through these conditions that the Establishment will not only maintain its iron grip of control, but increase it.
At the present time it appears magical medical juice will be the linchpin that keeps the totalitarian wheel spinning. Yes, the world can be your oyster again, but only if you take the magical medical juice and adhere to all the complex and intrusive bureaucratic and surveillance mechanisms installed to support it. Do that you, and the Establishment will ensure you are "locked into" the System.
Don't want the magical medical juice? No problem, but refusal will guarantee you are "locked out" of the system. You can then proceed to live the isolated and solitary life of a clam.
Given a choice like that, how many people will choose to be locked in rather than locked out?
It does not take an ocean of imagination to realize how quickly and easily the Establishment could effectively lock individuals in or out of the System. It also does not take a great deal of perspicacity to notice that the preliminary groundwork for a lock-in/lockout system is already in place. Whether or not the Great Lockout will be fully implemented remains to be seen, but many developments in the world today point in that direction. Whatever the case, the Establishment wants to ensure the lock remains in place.
And what will our response - mine, yours - be to such developments?
Best to leave that for a future post.