It goes without saying that the UO is a cornerstone of modern leftist thinking and often serves as the foundation upon which leftists construct many of their nonsensical arguments and worldviews. However, since the unacknowledged obvious deals with phenomena and circumstances that are glaringly, well, obvious – it cannot always rely on the usual leftist defensive positions of relativism, perspective, and bias.
On the contrary, the UO’s power lies mostly in its ability to present a completely false, but seemingly noble form of ignorance. The 'nobility' of the UO rests upon the ability to never consider the 'unthinkable' as possible or real.
Leftists employ the UO to deal with the manifestation of any circumstance or phenomenon that flagrantly conflicts with their high-minded beliefs. Rather than question the validity or sanity of their supposedly-benevolent assumptions when facing obvious realities (which would entail learning from experience), leftists find comfort in refusing to acknowledge obvious realities whenever these contradict their invented and inverted morality.
Seen in this light, the unacknowledged obvious is reality denial par excellence – the very essence of the commonly employed term – wrongthink.
The unacknowledged obvious has always existed in some form or other, but as far as I can tell it has never been employed as wantonly and, sadly, as successfully as it has been in the past decade or so. I often wonder what the limits of the UO could be; but then I remember I live in a civilization where a person can change their sex at a whim without actually changing anything and have the enlightened governments of the West enforce this whim upon society in the name of human rights - well, in a world like that I imagine the UO has no limits at all. None whatsoever.