Though the disclosure of errors, lapses, and glitches will likely increase in the coming weeks and months, it will not lead to the sort of sincere acknowledgement that is most required.
More to the point, against the backdrop of increasingly visible incriminating evidence, the powers-that-should-not-be appear willing to concede that they may have screwed up here and there, but they will never allow these "screw ups" to be held up as confirmation of wrongdoing, crime, and sin.
On the contrary, they will insist that their screw ups stem from "good intentions"; from the sincere desire to safeguard and protect the lives of people all over the world. Every statement they craft going forward will serve to support the "veracity" of the benevolence and good will ensconced within their failures.
Yes, we simply mustn't forget that the open material and spiritual warfare they have ruthlessly waged on civilian populations the world over all stems from a "good" place. All the lies, deceit, terror, fear mongering, gas lighting, degradation, humiliation, injury, oppression, tyranny, harm, and death -- all of it -- is inspired and motivated by the deep desire to keep everyone safe and improve the world.
The same logic applies to all the failing endeavors in which they are currently embroiled and the many future failures they have yet to embark upon. Yes, everything they touch will inevitably end in failure, but this does not imply that they are not "nice", "compassionate" people trying their very best to accomplish "good things."
The satanic elite are very successful at failing, but their failures have nothing to do with good intentions. On the contrary, their failures reveal their immense success.
Every failure the satanic elite discloses is a testament to the continued success of the global totalitarian agenda of enslavement, destruction, and damnation.