I anticipated that the Siege would primarily be an intense psyop blitz aimed at manipulating the unpecked into taking the peck. I then suggested that this would be followed by stringent, punitive coercion measures that would make it increasingly difficult for some of the unpecked to remain unpecked.
Well, both have occurred and both are currently at play. Fundamentally, The Siege and The Ordeal are intense examples of demonic pressure that are meant to manipulate and coerce. Suffice to say, neither The Siege nor the The Ordeal is meant to be pleasant. On the contrary, both are calibrated to inflict high levels of misery and distress.
To adhere to the formula from that movie poster of the awful Chuck Norris film, relief from The Siege and The Ordeal comes in the form of The Rescue. In terms of the peck agenda, The Rescue happens the moment people reach their breaking points, give into the demonic pressure, and allow themselves to be pecked in the hope that such an action will "make it all stop and go away."
Our totalitarian overlords continue to insist that a return to normal is just around the corner, that everything will stabilize and normalize soon, but that this can only happen if everyone on the planet complies with the global diktat of "none are safe until all are safe", which is contingent on everyone willingly accepting the peck.
Take the peck and the pain ends. Take the peck and the world goes back to normal. Take the peck and you help save the world. Take the peck and you'll be happy.
This is a blatant deception.
In reality, agreeing to or surrendering to the peck is just the tip of the iceberg. Far from being a one-off act of compliance, saying yes to the peck represents saying yes to a re-engineered System whose sole purpose is damnation.
As Dr. Charlton notes in a recent post, the true motivations behind the peck agenda are spiritual, and they reside in the portion of the iceberg that floats hidden beneath the surface:
My point here is that the decision we are confronted-with Now is not between getting 'the peck' or not. The choices will not stop here. This is just the first of many choices.
The eventual choice is about whether we agree to a long-term system of mandatory, imposed, continuous pecks for multiple reasons and regardless of their effect.
That is where we are being led - step by step. They want Us to want that kind of world - want Us to agree that would be a necessary and Good way of living for everybody in the world to submit to... whatever They say is Good for Us.
"The" birdemic peck is only the first of many steps. But we need to remember that this is a spiritual war, a war over souls; and Their objective is to make people reject salvation and choose damnation.
In principle, as totalitarians ruling a compliant materialist/ atheist/ leftist mass population, They could forcibly impose any evil on anybody. But their goal is to make people want evil.
That is why the birdemic peck is the first step. If the people can be induced into wanting that which is unnecessary/ ineffective and harmful just on the say-so of an Establishment-media that is known to be evil. And to want this imposed everywhere, on everybody and forever - and whatever.
If that stuff can become desired by Men - then those Men are damned.
But those who perceive the truth of 'what is going-on' and withhold their consent from being recruited-into this plan and onto the side of evil; have already defeated this strategy of evil in themselves.
Many will be tempted to choose the peck in the false hope that such a choice will provide some sort of rescue and bring an end to The Siege, The Ordeal, and the entire birdemic, but such a choice will not initiate an end to any of the above. On the contrary, such a choice will only lead to the intensification of misery and distress for the simple reason that such a choice amounts to tacit approval of the misery and distress.
Any rescue the System offers is a blatant deception. More significantly, any rescue the System offers is sure to lead to damnation. The only rescue available now resides in the spiritual, and that begins the moment you commit to resisting The Rescue the System offers. And this is accessible even if you have been duped by or cannot "physically" reject the peck agenda.
But this requires repentance and a renewed commitment to begin working with God rather than against Him.
Note added: The materialization of certain previously made speculations does not make me a fortuneteller or a prophet. I have no clear idea of what the future holds. At the same time, some of evil's movements do become predictable once the motivations driving the movements are recognized and discerned.