Don't be alarmed if that made no sense. You see, it's not supposed to. It's a baited hook meant to real in suckers.
If you have read any alt-right, reactionary, or Christian blog posts over the past decade or more, you have likely encountered comments like this:
A white Supremacist IS A white man who believes in and therefore strives towards objective Supremacy, i.e. The Perfect Man . . .
That's it . . . And your brain must self-scrub all other
Ideas of "white supremacy" for they are all the perverted manipulations of the anti-Christians.
Christian = Supremacist
White Christian = white Supremacist
Deny that one is a Supremacist IS TO DENY that one is a Christian. That is Universal Law. I did not devise this order. I am simply one of the very few who has broken through the brainwashing . . .
Starting to make some sense, but not really? Great! That means thordaddy's managed to get you on the line and will now attempt to reel you in.
I have been aware of thordaddy since 2013 or so; and in all that time I've noticed one significant thing - his comments rarely change. He regurgitates the same (p)erfection, radical autonomy, objective Supremacy gobbledygook almost everywhere goes.
I have allowed him to comment on my blog a couple of times in the past few years, but his observations never really clicked into troll mode. Last May, I came across his ranting on William James Tychonievich's From the Narrow Desert. Wm graciously allowed thordaddy a couple of comments, but wisely shut him down once the troll mode was initiated.
Anyway, thordaddy recently popped up on my blog again this past week. I generally don't indulge in comment conversations with trolls like thordaddy, but rather than shut him down, I decided to engage in a little back and forth with him.
My purpose? I wanted to see if thordaddy had engaged in any spiritual learning since I last encountered him back in May. I confronted his white supremacist shtick with some of my own thoughts concerning Romantic Christianity and Christianity in general. Sadly, my efforts went nowhere. Thordaddy is still the same old thordaddy. No spiritual learning at all. After a while, I finally had to turn off the tap.
Aside from annoying and baffling virtually everyone, what's thordaddy's angle? What is this troll extraordinaire trying to accomplish?
Well, to cut a long story short - he wants to convert us.
That's right. He wants to rally all deracinated, dispirited, and alienated white men to the glorious call of (P)erfection . . . or is it (p)erfection . . . or maybe just plain "perfection"?
Who knows and who cares? The only important thing you have to know is that thordaddy really cares about your white body and he desperately wants to save it . . . by enlisting you an open race war - or some such thing - so that all white men everywhere can finally enjoy their rightful place in objective Supremacy . . . or is it Objective supremacy . . . or maybe (ob)-ject -IVE SUPREmazzzy.
Now, thordaddy will interpret my mocking tone above as proof of my having internalized the cyst-STEM's (his term, not mine) anti-racism propaganda, which has made me believe that I truly am a White supremacist - or is it (w)hite supremacist - or, more plainly, that I genuinely regard myself as a white degenerate. Even worse, I have lost all sense of myself and now actively seek my own annihilation because of self-hatred. Thus, I am a self-hating, "no-self" Christian who has lost all sense of omnipotent (P)erfection because I no longer follow the Perfect Man - or as thordaddy likes to put it, "er, Jesus."
That's right. Thordaddy cares about Christian bodies as well, especially white Christian bodies. And he's going to do his darndest to save as many of those as he can:
White Christians are disappearing (being annihilated or losing faith)…So Christianity AS WE KNOW IT, is disappearing (being annihilated).
A reasonable man interprets these facts as an unwillingness on the part of white Christians TO SURVIVE as white Christians.
And then a reasonable man concludes that this unwillingness to fight for one’s Chrisitian faith MEANS assumingly that one no longer believes in the Christian Assertion.
And what do you know, this reasonable man with access to modern media is inundated with images and sound bites of self-professed white Christians lamenting the death of Christianity while in the same breath denouncing the white Supremacist.
It’s astonishing to witness. The double-mindedness is a thing to behold.
It is astonishing. Hey wait a minute . . . is it just me, or is thordaddy starting to make sense? Strangely enough, quite a few Christians have believed thordaddy has made sense in the past and he succeeded in reeling a few of them into his net.
So, how do we solve this double-mindedness, oh great pseudonymous father of the Norse thunder god? What do I need to do to acknowledge my god-given white Supremacy and then ensure the rest of the world's mongrel races acknowledges it, too?
YOU, like all those white men at the Orthosphere, MUST BECOME HARDER Christians OR it is nighty-night for you are yours and perhaps the rest of “us.” The problem FOR YOU and those at the Orthophere isn’t your Christianity, BUT your unwillingness to be hard about it AND DEFEND YOURSELF WITH VIOLENCE.
I have no such stumbling block. I only need learn more of intellectual and ritual Christianity (this is partially achieved by reading the Orthosphere), but even there I WHOLEHEARTEDLY believe in the Christian Assertion.
And what do you know? One “sees” a nexus between the general modern rejection of the existence of The Perfect Man (The Christian Assertion) AND the totalitarian impulse to crush ALL white Supremacists.
Can you not “see” where this is going AS it pertains to white Christians? Cannot you not “see” who will be the first in line to take seat at the Inquisition table FORCED to answer to The Litmus Test? Are you a white Supremacist? Are you still oblivious to what it means to say “no?” Are you still oblivious to the understanding of the outside world that white Christians NO LONGER FIGHT for their Faith?
Bonald… Those at the Orthosphere are ritual and intellectual Christians, by and large. I am a fighter. And only now a fighter Christian. You actually need me at THIS STAGE much more than I need you BECAUSE intellectually I believe in the Christian Assertion more than you and ritually my lot will be in the physical battle as proof of my faith. But we are still allies at the end of the day.
A white Supremacist is a white man who believes in and therefore strives towards objective Supremacy, ie, The Perfect Man… Er, Jesus Christ.
That does it! Where's my crusader armor? Deus vult!
All right. That's enough nonsense.
Look. Playtime is over. If you consider yourself a serious Christian and you happen to find anything thordaddy espouses appealing, you need to engage in some serious inner work and repentance.
Let's cut right to the chase. This is a spiritual war. There are two distinct sides. We don't need men like thordaddy. The enemy of my enemy is not my friend if he is not on the side of good; and men like thordaddy are not on the side of good.
Men like thordaddy are not Christians. They are not at all interested in the primacy of the spiritual; they are interested in the externalization and objectification of the material.
Men like thordaddy are exactly the same as the enemy they profess to fight; they are leftist materialists.
They are interested solely in the supremacy of power. More specifically, they are interested only in the supremacy of worldly power. Driven by resentment and fear; they spew nonsensical jargon and speak in invented, inverted languages that are meant to obscure rather than clarify. They very much want to convince you that they are on your side.
They're not.
Thordaddy wants to do the exact same thing the Establishment and the leftist radicals want to do - he wants to imprison you in the world. He wants you to enslave yourself in burdensome, meaningless abstractions. He is not interested in, nor does he understand real Christianity. To him, it is simply a means to an end - and that end is not spiritual, nor is it good.
To get back to the title of this post, imagine thordaddy as a Jew living in Jesus's time. How do you think Jewish thordaddy would react to Christ? What kind of Jew would he be?
The kind who openly embraced Jesus's message of salvation and eternal life?
Or the kind who vehemently rejected Christ's offer of salvation?
Well, picture thordaddy living during the time of Christ. He would be a Jewish Supremacist then, wouldn't he? He would believe in the perfection of his homeland and his people - a perfection promised to his people via a covenant with an omnipotent God.
At the same time, thordaddy would be immensely resentful of the Roman occupation and would eagerly be awaiting the arrival of the messiah - the Perfect Man. Part David, part Moses, this Perfect Man would restore thordaddy's people and homeland and raise it up to eternal glory, which for thordaddy would be perfection.
One day, thordaddy hears rumors that the messiah is in the city. Barely able to control his enthusiasm, he rushes into town and then stands and listens as an ordinary-looking individual preaches about the differences between earthly bread and spiritual bread.
A few minutes later, the individual claims he will not die as Abraham died. That he will rise from the dead and achieve everlasting life with the father in heaven. Moreover, that anyone who believed in him would be granted the same.
How would thordaddy have reacted to such declarations?
The answer is quite simple; he would have been among the first to crouch down and scoop up a large, smooth rock.
Because the First Law of Perfection and objective Supremacy.
Thordaddy is a pseudonymous troll. Like a true troll, he turns to stone the minute light is shone on him. As such, he is insignificant; but the evil people like thordaddy promulgate is significant. It needs to be discerned and, more importantly, it needs to be thoroughly resisted and rejected by serious Christians everywhere.
Note added: The bulk of thordaddy's comments above can be found in this post from Throne and Altar.
Further note added: I have decided to republish the original content of this post because I believe it contains an important message. People like thordaddy correctly identify the evil inherent in the current anti-racism/anti-white /self-hatred agenda, but their lines of thinking offer no viable solutions. In fact, their lines of thinking only serve to play into the hands of anti-racism agenda by giving it exactly what it desires - the presence of "white supremacists" intent on violence in the name of racial purity. Picture the System as an organ grinder and people like thordaddy as the monkeys dancing to the tunes the organ grinds out and you get a fairly clear image of the dynamics involved.