In all fairness, I can't say I blame them, but we are designed to spend our mortal lives experiencing and learning, not pining for states of inexperience and unintelligence. In this sense, becoming aware of something like the recently installed global dictatorship should be considered a blessing rather than a curse because this awareness presents a massive opportunity for learning. Although learning is often difficult and occasionally unpleasant, it is vitally important, especially from a spiritual perspective. Once we have understood the central role of spiritual learning in mortal life, it is only natural to want to acquire all the information we can digest in an effort to facilitate the learning.
This holds particularly true for events like the recent ascendancy of global authoritarianism. An impulse to know everything we can about it flares up within us. We spend hours scouring the internet for the latest news and views. We entertain elaborate and complex conspiracy matrices professing to connect all the dots in the global web of evil. We commit to chasing the latest opinions and observations splattered across the soggy soil of social media. We compare notes with kindred spirits as we attempt to unravel the meaning behind it all. We endlessly search for those elusive but vital details that will provide us with a comprehensive understanding of exactly what is happening and how things will eventually unfold. All of this can certainly be considered a part of the learning process, and some of it can actually provide lucid insights into our current predicament, but most of this kind of learning is not really learning at all. Much of it is unessential and, whether we care to admit it or not, superfluous and counterproductive.
To begin with, it is impossible to become well-versed in the minutiae of what is transpiring at the moment. The amount of information is overwhelming. Much of it is questionable and dubious. A great deal is purposefully misleading. A great deal more comprises outright lies. On top of that, many of the specifics are nothing more than trivialities. Nonetheless, some of the information is true and can provide real insights. On the other hand, not all information that is true is necessarily insightful. A few days of intensive research in the quest to become informed about the machinations of our totalitarian overlords are enough to reveal that the Establishment and the System it controls are encoded in convoluted complexity that has been purposively crafted to confound. After a while, we begin to understand that most of the active players that are hardwired into the System barely know the details either. That much is kept from them; that most are in the dark and act by following the leader without any real concept of who the leader truly is.
All the same, for the sake of argument let's pretend you managed to get your hands on the one and only copy of evil's detailed manifesto to rule the world. The volume contains all the names, organizations, blueprints, schedules, schematics, flow charts, diagrams, and specifics concerning the Establishment's plans for the world for the next fifty years. What would you do with this information? Would you make this information known to the world? If so, how? Who would believe you? How would the information help you personally? Would you use it to find a way to beat the Establishment? Or would you use it merely to get you and your loved ones out of harm's way? How could you even be sure the manifesto was authentic?
Yes, I'm belaboring the point, but I am belaboring it in an effort to build up to a larger point, which is this - we cannot know all the details of our current circumstances and, more importantly, we shouldn't strive to learn them all. This comes off sounding counterintuitive in light of what has been said about the importance of learning in mortal life, but it begins to make sense if we stop and ask ourselves what kind of learning matters after we become aware of the manifestation of something like a totalitarian coup.
The examples I have listed above are primarily external, information-based means learning. Although valid and necessary at times, this form of learning can also be intrusive and inconsequential to spiritual learning. It's worth remembering that most of these external, information-based resources are disseminated by the Establishment itself. As such, the majority of what we encounter serves a purpose that is diametrically opposed to our own individual purpose in life, especially if we take what we encounter at face value. Yet reading between the lines and decoding the Establishment's endless avalanche of information in an effort to find the truth also has its limits. Independent sources often supply good and useful information, but some of it is just as pointless and unreliable as the material the Establishment makes public.
When we become aware of events like the recent totalitarian coup, we are often compelled to find out all we can about it, mostly from external sources, because we are under the impression that this effort to understand is an essential part of our learning in our mortal lives. Though this kind of learning has some benefits, it is not essential.
In other words, knowing all the details provides us with no great advantage because very few of the details we discover are likely to provide anything meaningful to the particulars of our own individual circumstances and our own individual spiritual learning and development. Being aware of the evil inherent in the recent global totalitarian takeover and being able to identify the motivations behind the evil are enough.
Once we have achieved this, we should turn our attention inward and focus on the minutiae of our own individual lives. More importantly, we should allow our awareness of evil to intuitively filter out the useful from the useless and allow it guide us to the kinds of external information that might prove meaningful and useful to our own particular circumstances within the larger framework of the totalitarian system. Most importantly, we should put our trust in faith in God and the Holy Spirit, allow ourselves to proceed on a need to know basis, and keep our channels of communication open to Divine communication. At the same time, we should match this communication with our own concerted efforts at creative, intuitive thinking. Eventually, the external details we need to know will emerge, and with them, all the advantage we require.
Note added: I am not suggesting external information-based resources be avoided or details be ignored, but rather that these resources be vigorously sieved through the filters of our own intuitive and spiritual learning and knowing. As is the case with most things in life, being informed is far better than being uninformed. At the same time, a relentless pursuit of details, details, details coupled with a steady diet based exclusively on external information could lead to a state of being vastly over-informed - a state in which we allow external information-based materials to drown out or overwhelm our own intuitive and spiritual faculties to know and understand. This could confuse priorities and dull discernment and lead us into a state where the overabundance of information actually makes us misinformed about what is most important in our mortal lives.