So during last year's Christmas break, I talked my little boy into giving drawing a try. I didn't coax my son into drawing because I have some deep-seated desire to see him become an artist. No, no, I am no Leopold Mozart. Nonetheless, I did find his lack of interest in doodling and sketching peculiar. When I suggested we sit down and draw together back during the Christmas break, I expected some resistance from him, but to my surprise he became quite enthused about the idea. He took to drawing like (pardon the cliché) a fish to water and has been drawing almost daily ever since.
We still draw together once or twice a week. I usually let him pick the subject, which means I have drawn many dragons, Godzillas, Lego figures, and cars over the past six months. My son's latest obsession is Sonic the Hedgehog, and we are currently making our way through the various characters. Today's subject was Shadow the Hedgehog, who I am guessing is Sonic's Jungian dark side or something to that effect.
So there will be no written blog post tonight. Instead, I humbly offer a little gallery of Shadow the Hedgehogs. Next week, my son and I will be drawing Egg Man, whoever or whatever that is.