We get to the most important sin and virtue: The current situation is that anyone who believes The System is Good and real, is himself actually in service of the demonic agenda. And only those who recognise The System as evil and fake are able to become Good; are able to join with the meaning and purpose of God's creation and plan.
This not only makes sense to me, but also strikes at the heart of the matter concerning our circumstances in the modern world. I probed the issue in my own clumsy way earlier this week and came to similar conclusions – the most important sin one can commit in our current time and place is the firm belief that the System is Good and real, while the most important virtue could very well be the recognition that the System is Evil and unreal.
The sin becomes graver if one embraces the System as Good while concurrently rejecting Reality as Evil. In essence, this is the macro inversion from which all the other inversions we encounter spring, and this is the overarching strategy the System employs to achieve its ultimate goal of soul damnation.
What makes an evil system truly evil is its direct and intentional opposition to God, Creation, meaning, purpose, love, Truth, Beauty, Goodness, Virtue, and everything else that comprises Reality. Evil systems seek to convince people to accept the System as the only reality and to accept this fake reality as the only possible good that can be achieved.
This immediately prompts a question. How can an evil system effectively persuade people to accept the macro inversion so readily and easily? How can an evil System so effectively divorce people from Reality? Convince people to reject the Good in favor of evil?
There are many explanations for this. Perhaps Heaven has something to do with it.
The System offers something Reality cannot - the promise of heaven on Earth. Reality cannot make this promise because it would essentially work against the entire purpose and meaning of our existence in this world. If Reality established heaven in this world, it would basically render our physical incarnations here moot. Spiritual development, learning, growth - none of it would be necessary.
The System, on the other hand, readily offers the promise of heaven on Earth and convinces people that utopia can only be achieved through the mechanisms of the System itself. Whether this utopia is a classless, communist state, or a more personalized world of individual freedoms and rights promising success, status, power, and hedonistic gratification is irrelevant. What matters is that people turn away from Reality and the promise of actual Heaven and focus instead on Unreality and the false promise of heaven on Earth.
The rejection of Reality reduces life to the purely material level, which entails that the Good exists in the material and nowhere else. The System then convinces people that this material good - which is the only good that can be had - is only accessible through the mechanisms of the System itself. People accept the lie and live their lives accordingly.
Once this is achieved, self-damnation is practically guaranteed, which, in the end, is exactly what the System wants.
Note added: The promise of heaven on Earth, not the actual delivery of heaven on Earth appears to be a key part of the System's strategy. Most people who accept the System as Good and believe Good can only be achieved through the System do not seem discouraged by the thought that they may not actually live to see the manifestation of the heaven on Earth they worked towards. The promise appears to be enough - especially if this promise includes feelings of having done the right thing through some sense of philanthropy or altruism. Even more so if the promise is reinforced and supported by high-paying careers, fame, wealth, and status. The sanctioning and encouraging of various immoralities - primarily sexual - is an added incentive.