This is all good and timely because the Hungarian government's most recent birdemic initiatives suggest that the boundaries of this small village may serve as the physical limits of my earthly existence in the foreseeable future.*
*Note added: The Hungarian government aims to inject the vast majority of the country's population in the coming months and issue immunity certificates to determine who can and who cannot fully re-enter society and return to "normal". It appears the lockout phase I explored in an earlier post has begun - at least here in Hungary.
How far the government will push these measures or whether they will work or not remains to be seen, but one thing is certain - the birdemic has become the Hungarian government's monomania.
As is the case with every other government, the regime here has been blatantly dishonest and repressive right from the start. What it is attempting to achieve now - assuming its communications are not just more lies - could have been achieved last spring/summer if it had simply left everything alone and allowed the populace to gain herd immunity (assuming what was happening then was also not just more lies).
Instead the government will now attempt to reach the same goal artificially by injecting the population with potentially dangerous substances that probably won't offer much in the way of immunity anyway. And the government appears intent on controlling the population via immunity certificates or passports of some kind or other after the jabbing is all done.
I think it may be time to get some chickens for that chicken coop I fixed up last year . . .