In all fairness, I don't expect much more from the likes of secular rightist bloggers who blatantly reject the reality of the spirit and the divine. At the same time, I do expect more from self-professed Christian bloggers who claim to embrace the reality of the spirit and the divine.
Despite its many obvious material benefits, the "you will own happy and be somebody" mantra that saturated and dominated the West until 2020 presented Christians with a plethora of spiritual dangers and challenges. The twentieth-century world of mass media, mass communication, mass politics, mass marketing, mass production, mass consumerism, and countless other "mass" phenomenon that enormously powerful advertising agencies, marketing companies, public relation firms, education institutions, non-governmental organizations, high finance, and government policies vehemently promulgated effectively encouraged people to abandon all notions of the divine and ground themselves firmly in materialism and objectification.
Expressed differently, the "you will own happy and be somebody" ideology into which westerners allowed themselves to be indoctrinated was -- in many ways -- wrought with as much spiritual peril as the "you will own nothing and be happy" mantra the demonic forces -- or at least some of the demonic forces -- are trying to force upon the world. I would even go as far as to posit that "you will own nothing and be happy" could never have emerged if "you will own happy and be somebody" had not preceded it.
"You will own happy and be somebody" relied heavily on motivating the seven classic Luciferic deadly sins of lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride. Owning happy and being somebody entailed being "free" to buy or do or be the things their demonic overlords demanded.
Hence, the "you will own happy and be somebody" ideology entailed turning away from God and toward egoism, pettiness, status-seeking, hedonism, expediency, immorality, debauchery, perversion, stupidity, dishonesty, fame-whoring, etc. But even Christians who resisted all of that were not immune to the seemingly more benign traps of pursuing an "easy life" of comfort and security with access to certain cultural privileges and pleasures in exchange for "going with the flow".
Unfortunately, most people quickly discovered they lacked the resources to "own happy and be somebody". Luckily for them, Ahrimanic forces made themselves readily available.
For most people, "owning happy and being somebody" amounted to little more than the Ahrimanic financing and funding of indoctrinated and/or self-chosen Luciferic sins and passions via perpetual debt servitude. Instead of "owning happy and being somebody" most people ended up actually "owning unhappiness and being nobody".
Simply put, "you will own happy and be somebody" was a demonic open-world strategy for damnation. Despite its material comforts and benefits, it was an inherently evil and startlingly effective form of despiritualization because it successfully turned the masses away from the primacy of the spiritual and grounded them firmly in the external, objectified world.
Of course, the open world strategy could not have worked if the masses had not invited the strategy so willingly and actively into their lives -- but the masses did invite the strategy in. Moreover, they incorporated "you will own happy and be somebody" into their internal frameworks, obstructing the communication lines between humanity and the divine. Stripped of all inner spiritual resources, most modern westerners are defenseless against the external forces in which they are completely submerged.
If "you will own happy and be somebody" was a demonic open-world strategy, then "you will own nothing and be happy" is its counterpart demonic closed-world strategy. Though the means differ, the end goal remains the same.
With this in mind, Christians should be extremely wary about the yearning to simply return to the "normal" of "you will own happy and be somebody". More specifically, Christians should recognize that returning to "owning happy and being somebody" offers little in the way of spiritual reprieve. On the contrary, returning to the "owning happy and being somebody" mantra could end up being more spiritually lethal than the "you will own nothing and be happy" mantra could ever hope to be.
I do not believe we will return to any sort of "own happy and be somebody" ideology in my lifetime (I am fifty years old). At the same time, I don't believe the Ahrimanic "you will own nothing and be happy" mantra can succeed. This gives me hope because the totalitarian world the Ahrimanics envision would result in mass spiritual death.
All the same, the semi-totalitarian world of "owning happy and being somebody" also inflicted its fair share of spiritual death. At best, it was a lesser evil -- but lesser evil is still evil, not good.
Nevertheless, the forced move away from "owning happy and being somebody" could backfire on the Ahrimanics. The masses were more or less content or at least manageable under "own happy and be somebody". How they will respond to "own nothing and be happy" or "face imminent destruction as the entire System collapses" is anyone's guess. In the best-case scenario, these potential developments could lead to mass spiritual reawakening and re-spiritualization.
Wouldn't that be something?