I wonder if the leaders of the Vodka Land/Fire Nation are in on the Global Establishments plans. I just find it remarkable that a large and destructive war is unleashed in Europe just as the birdemic is losing steam.
That's a good question -- a question for which I don't have a concrete answer. Nevertheless, I did leave the following thoughts in response to AnteB's comment:
I've considered both sides of the argument, and I have come to the conclusion that lesser evil is not Good. And as of now, Vodka Land is merely lesser evil. I don't know how "in" the war is to the Global Establishment's plans, but it certainly isn't hindering the overarching demonic goals in any way.
Furthermore, I think it's important to remember that all nations were in on the birdemic and are still "in" on it despite loosening measures. The Fire Nation is no exception here. They locked down, mandated to a certain degree, and even created their own peck. All nations, including the Fire Nation, are also in on the UN goals and other globalist agendas.
In addition, I think it is a mistake to assume that the birdemic is losing steam. They haven't been featuring it as prominently, true -- but this shouldn't be taken as a sign that the birdemic is over. It isn't over in the Middle Kingdom where they have locked down cities with populations that exceed some American states and European countries (which is also helping the Global Establishment's plans). It isn't over in Canada where they are not allowing anyone to get on a plane unless they are pecked.
At the end of the day, our discernment at this high level of geopolitics is mostly facile, but this doesn't negate the fact that nothing truly Good has happened at the geopolitical level. The agenda of destruction continues unabated.
We must make our assessments and then turn back to our own personal circumstances and concentrate on doing Good at the personal level by working from the inner toward the outer beyond the System.
I think the Fire Nation is lesser evil, and the forces opposing it are greater evil. Is lesser evil actively cooperating with greater evil? Perhaps it is. At the same time, it doesn't appear to be the case. Either way, that in and of itself does not make lesser evil "Good". As I noted above, the demonic agenda of destruction continues unabated, and our main task is to remain on the side of God and Creation.
In connection to the question, Dr. Charlton noted the following in an earlier post on the subject, which he suggested may be another litmus test:
With our experience of wave after wave of propaganda for evil over the past two years; one might have supposed that this astonishing rapidity, uniformity and extremity of the Mass Media response to the Fire Nation would have made it very obvious which was the greater, and which the lesser, evil.
And maybe that is exactly what it did...
Maybe this new Fire Nation Litmus Test is just that; I mean, not of-itself a cause of transferring Men's allegiance from God to the demonic; but instead simply a 'test' or indicator that reveals the truth about each Man.
Because anyone who knows that the world is ruled by evil Men in league with Satan (and if they don't recognize this fact by-now, then no proof will ever be sufficient) - who then sees in the Mass Media all of these evil Men (without exception) advocating a particular narrative - then knows that that view, that agenda must itself be evil by motivation. And more evil than the views which they oppose, suppress, demonize and punish (in a characteristically demonic frenzy - without limit or restraint).
Therefore we should not strive for neutrality - which is, anyway, impossible; but may quickly and simply make a choice to reject the greater evil. And indifference may also be impossible; in face of a expansile totalitarian (thus pan-social-system) campaign to make this Litmus Test issue unavoidable in public discourse and life.
But we should not, in our hearts, lose our grip upon what is, in fact, a facile discrimination.