The standard practice of labeling Christians as progressive, liberal, radical, conservative, traditional, or whatever has been rendered obsolete. As far as I'm concerned, the successful global totalitarian coup of 2020 has cleaved Christians into two distinct camps: System Christians and Non-System Christians.
I then proceeded to outline System Christianity in the following manner:
System Christians aim to work within the institutional, organizational, and bureaucratic frameworks the System offers because they are convinced "good works" can only be achieved through such means.
System Christians believe the divine mission of Christianity is somehow wedded to the System and that Christianity possesses the power to transform the System into an earthly kingdom of God. System Christians yearn to secure a place at the global governing table of public-private partnership in order to help manifest this vision (presuming they honestly believe in the vision).
System Christians outsource their thinking entirely to the System and its latest flavor of leftism. Thus, any input they offer the System rarely, if ever, rises above the level of echoing or parroting the System's output; more specifically, the trending and topical talking points, platitudes, and plans surrounding issues such as climate change, anti-racism, equity/equality, reformed capitalism, mass migration, etc.
. . . System Christians do not believe in "rendering unto Caesar the things that are Caeser's, and unto God the things that are God's". In their minds, it is far more lucrative and efficient to render God and the things that are God's unto the System.
That last line above sums up System Christian well. All System Christians put the System before God. For some, the System has become a god.
The big problem with System Christians is quite obvious - the System they follow is directly and purposively opposed to God.
An even bigger problem among System Christians is that most appear incapable or unwilling to discern that the System with which their churches are aligned is in fact directly and purposively opposed to God. Put another way, that the System itself has become Satanic in its motivations and objectives.
This utter lack of discernment is especially prevalent among the laity/worshipers, who tend to regard their churches' support of System agenda issues such as birdemic lockdown measures, climate change, and anti-racism as something inherently respectable and good.
Bruce Charlton has referred to the three issues noted above as Satanic Litmus Tests. The birdemic measures, climate change, and anti-racism may "sound" or "appear" virtuous, even Good, but they are anything but, as Dr. Charlton succinctly explains:
If you support any or all of these; you are objectively on-the-side of the mainstream, global, totalitarian Leftist Establishment: which is the side of Satan against God. And obviously, therefore, you are anti-Christian - despite whatever you may believe or assert.
In a follow-up post, he added:
I think it is worth reiterating that what these Tests do is detect and identify those who are objectively on the side of Satan in the current spiritual war.
The question of whether you are (overall) a nice person, or what is regarded as a 'good' person is irrelevant; whether you are a pious and observant church member is a separate issue; whether you live by Christian ethics to a higher degree than many or most people makes no difference at all.
If you fail the litmus tests you are working-for Satan's triumph in this world, you are aiding his agenda - know it or not, like it or not, deny it or not.
This ought to be very obvious to you, since the evidence is truly colossal and indeed overwhelming - and the fact that is not obvious to you shows the depth of your unrepented sin.
William Wildblood later expanded upon the spiritual dimensions of the Litmus Tests in a post of his own:
. . . However, there is a greater point beyond whether any of these things actually have any truth in them or not or whether there is some truth but we are presented with a very one-sided picture. The real point is that the remedies proposed for these supposed material evils are Trojan horses which are used to bring about profound spiritual evils. This is what really matters and what a person of spiritual discernment should able to see. The evils of the virus, of racism and of climate change (real or unreal) are as nothing besides the evils of the proposed solutions to them. Shall I define these evils? Outwardly, it's a simple matter of totalitarianism and humanity reduced to controlled servitude. Inwardly, it is the closing tight shut of the door to spiritual freedom and truth. It is the absolute enforcement of materialism.
If you care about freedom and truth and beauty and real goodness you are now on a collision course with the worldly powers. You can no longer be a passively good, decent, nice sort of person because if you are you will sooner or later be sucked into what is a kind of de facto Satanism. I realise that might seem a shocking thing to say but the reality is, or is becoming, that if you don't actively stand for God then you are against him, and there is, or soon will be, no neutral ground.
So, the biggest problem with System Christians and System Christianity in general is failed Litmus Tests. Nearly all Christian churches closed for the birdemic. Failuire one. Many support the climate change agenda. Failure two. And a few have vocally supported the anti-racism agenda. Failure number three.
True-believing System Christians outright reject the Litmus Tests as ridiculous, absurd, and uncharitable; but what about Christians who believe church to be important and attend System churches, but are able to discern the spiritual evils of failed Litmus Tests within their denominations?
Should they quit church altogether? Protest? Aim to reform the institution from within?
I don't have definitive answers to those questions. Each discerning Christian must figure out these things out for himself or herself.
Having said that, I think the practice of system distancing can be quite useful if you attend a System church.
In my case, I distance myself from all the "system" aspects and Litmus Test issues my particular church promulgates, and I refuse to support or obey these aspects.
For example, if my priest says anything positive about the birdemic measures, I silently tell myself that what he is saying is wrong and evil, and I repent my involvement in that aspect of the church, however indirect or "coerced" my involvement that aspect actually is (e.g. wearing a mask during the service).
At the same time, I remind myself that I attend church for its remaining (but increasingly dwindling) Divine and Good aspects. I hope and pray my attendance and participation might help strengthen these Divine and Good aspects.
And that's about as far as I have gotten with system distancing within a System church at the moment.
Note added: To gain some insight into what a Christian Litmus Test failure at the institutional level looks like in real time, I highly recommend reading William James Tychonievich's most recent post, which describes the one-sided partnership the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has struck up with NAACP. William's post is also an example of spiritual discernment.
Additional note added: I increasingly feel that the System aspects within the church I attend will become too overwhelming for me to contend with, and I increasingly feel that I will stop attending services altogether at some point in the near future. I also must add that I believe Divine Wisdom is at play in the current convergence of churches - God's way of communicating that the true future of Christianity is not reliant upon church as we currently know it.