This redefinition of humanity served as the cornerstone of the satanic elite’s successful coup of 2020 and has become a permanent feature of the global totalitarianism implemented thereafter. Reclassifying human beings as health and safety hazards who must be strictly monitored, curtailed, restricted, and controlled to minimize perpetual potential harm to the System has benefited the satanic elite immensely. Under the global diktat of none are safe until all are safe, the powers-that-should-not-be have effectively convinced the world that the only viable future for humanity is slavish obedience to technocratic totalitarianism.
The Satanic elite’s redefining of human beings as hazards does not end with health and safety because people are also environmental hazards – hazards that simply must be monitored, curtailed, restricted, and controlled to minimize the perpetual potential harm they pose to the climate and the planet. Human beings are also political, social, and ideological hazards who – if left to their own devices – would impede societal and political progress.
Granted, certain segments of power have always branded specific human beings or groups of human beings as hazardous, but when the satanic elite declared the entire human race to be an imminent threat, it took the practice of hazard labeling to an entirely new, unprecedented level.
Another unprecedented feature of our current totalitarian world -- the vast majority of the world’s people have willingly and actively embraced the satanic elite’s redefinition of human beings as hazards that need to be monitored, curtailed, restricted, and controlled.
At the same time, these same people maintain a firm belief in Enlightenment principles such as law, reason, natural rights, self-government, and societal progress. Nearly all of them believe that these things still exist.
Moreover, they have concluded that the totalitarian diktat of none are safe until all are safe – the diktat that has defined them all as hazards to be monitored, curtailed, restricted, and controlled – is somehow logically consistent with Enlightenment ideals like tolerance, liberty, fraternity, reason, and all the rest of it. Perhaps most regard current circumstances to be little more than the happy fulfillment of the philosophy of enlightened self-interest.
Such thinking is the product of a devastated and despiritualized consciousness – the exact kind of consciousness the demonic forces behind the totalitarianism wish to instill and maintain in humanity forever. The truth of the matter is simple – the satanic elite are right to label human beings as hazards, but the danger human beings pose has little to do with health, safety, the environment, politics, or society. To the satanic elite, human beings represent a spiritual hazard – an imminent threat to their ongoing war against God and Creation – and it is for this reason above all others that the threat must be neutralized and, eventually, eliminated.
The only way to “escape” the satanic elite’s redefinition of humanity and subsequent totalitarianism is through spirit. Rather than regard ourselves as physical dangers to be monitored and controlled, we must reconnect with the reality of ourselves as primarily spiritual beings created in the image of God. Once this re-connection occurs, a human being becomes a spiritual hazard to the satanic elite, which is the only kind of hazard classification with which any self-respecting human being should feel comfortable.