Now, the Austrian government has announced that it will scrap mandatory pecks altogether in August when the current suspension expires. The reason? The peck mandates are not motivating the unpecked to become pecked and are instead causing "social divisiveness" during a time when national solidarity is crucial.
When the Austrian government first suspended its peck mandate -- a mandate it never technically enforced despite the coercive propaganda campaigns warning of fines, prison sentences, and perpetual lockdown conditions for the unpecked -- I wrote a post in which I noted that the whole peck mandate was little more than a massive exercise in coercion and manipulation that was meant to pressure people into making a voluntary, personal choice in favor of the peck.
But wait a minute! The Austrian government had painted the unpecked into a corner with its threats and ultimatums. It presented the unpecked with a vision of the future in which the unpecked would be punished and stigmatized forever. Jobs, livelihoods, children's futures, education, personal ambitions, dreams, pastimes, travel, vacations, state healthcare, basic services for the unpecked would all be in jeopardy. No unpecked Austrian could ever hope to "return to normal" ever again!
The only way the unpecked could hope to escape from this ominous, ghastly future was to voluntary submit to the peck. As a sweetener, the government even ran a peck lottery that guaranteed the unpecked a one-in-three chance of winning money if they would just roll up the contagious sleeves of their biologically dangerous arms and agree to get pecked.
Under such conditions, what real choice did the unpecked have?
Well, it turns out the unpecked had a lot more choice than many imagined because technically speaking, no one, not even the Austrian government, held a peck to anyone's head.
Of course, this current bit of communication from the Austrian government about abolishing peck mandates also falls under the banner of manipulation, so you are advised to take it all with a grain of salt . . .
In the meantime, keep the Austrian peck mandate events in mind the next time you encounter System communication, especially concerning the next "current thing", whatever that ends up being.
Remember, all System communication is manipulation. Nearly every bit of it is lies, coercion, misrepresentation, fraud, and undue influence, and it is all geared toward your destruction and damnation.
They want you to willingly, unapologetically, and unrepentantly submit to the lies, coercion, misrepresentation, fraud, and undue influence. They want you to consent and submit to satanic totalitarianism.
That way they can say it was ultimately your choice. And guess what?
It was.
Note added: Consenting or submitting to satanic coercion does not instantly disqualify an individual from being a "good" Christian. Refusing to repent for the consent or submission does.