I first began writing about system distancing shortly after the birdemic broke in the West in the early 2020. There was nothing terribly original about sensing the need to put distance between oneself and the System. If anything, all I perceived was an intensification of this need, particularly from what had clearly become a thoroughly evil System. Using the Establishment dictum of social-distancing as a means to reduce the spread of the birdemic virus, I posited the need for system distancing as a spiritual imperative as a means through which to slow the spread of "systemic" evil, both in oneself and in the world.
When I first began to think about system distancing, it was mostly a negative, freedom-from movement based on rejection of the System's pervasive lies. It didn't take me long to realizes that this negatively-inspired, freedom-from movement - though good in and of itself - did not provide enough motivation, or, more accurately, the right kind of motivation to make system distancing tenable as a spiritual imperative.
For system distancing to really work or have any real meaning from a spiritual perspective, a positive motivation, one greater than the negative motivation of rejection was required. This led me to begin exploring freedom-for motivations that superseded any at all freedom-from considerations.
The crux of my freedom-for argument was simple - system distancing increases the distance between the individual and the evil System while simultaneously closing the gap between the individual and God. Though comprehensible, the argument provided little in terms of why it was imprudent to believe the System could not be used in the spiritual service of the Divine (especially since we are all inevitably a part of the System to greater or lesser degrees anyway).
It also provided nothing graspable in terms of what a system-distanced individual could hope to accomplish during those brief, intermittent times during in which he or she had managed to think or live outwith the System.
Ironically enough, the System itself began to use system distancing as a material means to ensure people remain spiritually plugged into the System. Accept the lies as truth or you get locked out of the System. Thinking or being outside of the System now had tangible consequences in the "real" world, while thinking and being outside the System seemed to offer very little "real" world benefits.
I got to thinking about the Holy Spirit and came to the conclusion that the Holy Spirit would not use the System as a primary means of manifesting good in the world, and that any guidance or comfort the Holy Spirit provides would be found exclusively outside the System.
This was all good and well, but it still didn't address the question of what an individual could hope to accomplish by system distancing. At best, it seemed to land the individual into a relatively passive state. Yes, a person could successfully learn to think and be outside the System to a greater or lesser degree for greater or shorter lengths of time, but what, if anything, was this thinking and being outside the System, this positive motivation of being free-for God actually achieving, especially against the backdrop of the spiritual war?
Well, I believe Dr. Charlton has provided a conclusive answer to this question through his work on the role of divine providence. In a comment to his excellent post concerning the lying nature of the System, Dr. Charlton sums up the matter in the following way:
I believe that every person who - for a while - succeeds in thinking/being outside of The System becomes (for that time) an instrument of divine providence.
In an earlier post on divine providence, Dr. Charlton recorded the following observations:
...In brief: to commit oneself to the side of God, Good and the divine creation and to follow Jesus Christ - and leave the rest to God.
We need to develop a real faith that this is what God wants us to do; and that insofar as we can achieve it in our-selves - then God will work through us.
Furthermore; that God can, will and does work through the 'group' of human individuals who are thus aligned: God will do this and we ought not to be interfering.
Any and all individuals who are (at any particular time) aligned with Good; are-being deployed for the Good of the world by God in invisible and unknown ways. This is happening all the time, and it is why Good remains undefeated, and continues to win victories - despite overwhelming global demonic-serving power versus the apparent worldly-powerlessness of real Christians.
But these are not 'political' victories, to be read-about in the mass media or official announcements; they are spiritual victories - and often directed at the post-mortal salvation of particular people who are open to them and desire them.
Divine providence provides the positive imperative of system distancing with a graspable and utilizable motivation that extends beyond merely freeing ourselves from the System. Divine providence bestows much-needed depth to the spiritual motivation of becoming free-for God via system distancing. A truly active, positive motivation!